
秦科,男,1980年生。电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院信息安全系副教授。2007年12月至2008年12月,在加拿大卡尔顿大学作访问学者。2009年1月回国,2010年6月获得博士学位。在学校教学/研究工作期间,在国际刊物上发表重要论文若干篇,出席多个国际会议并作大会报告。作为第一负责人主持国家自然科学基金一项,中央高校基本科研业务费项目一项,四川省国际合作交流项目一项以及多个横向项目。作为青年教师,多次荣获学校/学院教学比赛奖;指导学生在“全国大学生软件创新竞赛”中获三等奖,连续两年(2009,2010)被评为电子科技大学考核优秀人物,2011 年被评为电子科技大学“教书育人”年度人物;编写教材两本,其中《信息安全概论》被评为西南地区大学出版社优秀图书奖。







2009/01 - 2012/06,电子科技大学,计算机学院,讲师

2007/12 – 2008/12,Carleton University, School of Computer Science, Visiting Scholar.



[1]. Ke Qin, Oommen, B. J.*, Ideal Chaotic Pattern Recognition Using the Modified Adachi Neural Network. Chaotic Modeling and Simulation, 4, pp. 701-710, 2012.

[2]. Ke Qin,  Oommen, B. J.*, The Entire Range of Chaotic Pattern Recognition Properties Possessed by the Adachi Neural Network.  International Journal of Intelligent Decision Technologies, 6, pp. 27-41, 2012.

[3]. Ke Qin, Oommen, B. J.*, An Enhanced Tree-shaped Adachi-like Chaotic Neural Network Requiring Linear-time Computations. Chaotic Systems: Theory and Applications. pp. 284-293, 2010

[4]. Ke Qin, Oommen, B. J.*, Adachi-like Chaotic Neural Networks Requiring Linear-time Computations by Enforcing a Tree-shaped Topology. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 20 (11), pp. 1797-1809, 2009.

[5]. Ke Qin, Oommen, B. J.*, Chaotic and Pattern Recognition Properties of a Network of Logistic Neurons. NeuroComputing, Accepted on April 22, 2012.

[6]. Guangchun Luo, Ke Qin*. Dynamical Associative Memory: The Properties of the New Weighted Chaotic Adachi Neural Network. IEICE Transactions on Information & Systems. E95-D(8), pp. 2158-2162. 2012  (申请人为通讯作者)

[7]. Ke Qin, Oommen, B. J.*, Chaotic Pattern Recognition: The Spectrum of Properties of the Adachi Neural Network. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition and Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition. Dec, 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5342, pp. 540-550. Orlando, Florida, USA, 2008.

[8]. Ke Qin, Oommen, B. J.*, Networking Logistic Neurons can Yield Chaotic and Pattern Recognition Properties. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measure Systems and Applications, Sep, 2011. pp. 134-139, Ottawa, Canada. 2011.

[9]. Ke Qin and Oommen, B. J.*, Chaotic and Pattern Recognition Properties of a Network of Logistic Neurons. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, Apr, 2010. v3:82-86, Chengdu, China.2010. 

[10]. Ke Qin*, Mingtian Zhou, Naiqi Liu. A Novel Group Key Management Based on Jacobian Elliptic Chebyshev Rational Map. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing. Sep, 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4672: 287-295. Dalian, China. 2007.

[11]  Ke Qin*, Mingtian Zhou and Yong Feng. A Novel Multicast Key Exchange Algorithm Based on Extended Chebyshev Map. In: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems, Feb, 2010. pp. 643-648, Krakow, Poland. 2010.