
       96年以来主持国家自然科学基金7项(一项重大研究计划的子项)、航空科学基金2项,与香港大学张佑启院士合作完成香港政府基金2项。现主持国家自然科学基金2项,参加国家自然科学基金中法国际合作项目1项(北航课题组负责人)。获教育部科技进步二等奖1项,出版专著两部。在国内外核心刊物发表论文100多篇,其中50余篇发表在《Acta Materialia》等高水平的SCI源刊上,大量由国内外学者引用。在国际权威学术刊物发表论文纠正国际著名力学家Erdogan一个理论错误,纠正国内外重要工程手册一类经典公式,新公式已由科学出版社《应力强度因子手册修订版》采用。


1. 蒋持平,尚伟,赵婧,姜开厚,黄瓜卷须II:显微组织与力学行为的试验模拟,力学与实践,2013,Vol. 35(3): (排版中)
2. 蒋持平,尚伟,柴慧,黄瓜卷须I:自盘卷拉拽,力学与实践,2013,Vol. 35(2): 100-102

3. 蒋持平, 严鹏. 太极图的力学美,力学与实践 2012 Vol. 34 (6): 89-91
4. 刘俊丽,蒋持平,为提高大众的力学科学素质而努力——《力学与实践》科普栏目的建设回顾,编辑学报,2012,24(6):597-599
5. 蒋持平, 尚伟, 严鹏,豆荚弹射传播种子中的力学Ⅳ: 自然大美. 力学与实践 2012 Vol. 34 (5): 90-92
6. 蒋持平, 尚伟, 严鹏. 豆荚弹射传播种子中的力学III: 趣味实验. 力学与实践 2012 Vol. 34 (4): 104-105
7. 蒋持平, 刘清漪, 郭乾坤, 严鹏. 豆荚弹射传播种子中的力学II: 螺旋魔术. 力学与实践 2012 Vol. 34 (3): 92-94
8. 蒋持平, 刘清漪, 郭乾坤, 严鹏. 豆荚弹射传播种子中的力学I: 豆荚组织的多功能优化. 力学与实践 2012 Vol. 34 (2): 93-96
9. 蒋持平, 侯慧龙, 武小峰, 王鹏. 固体表面开裂的周期图案:I. 现象与原理. 力学与实践 2011 Vol. 33 (3): 94-96
10. 蒋持平, 侯慧龙, 严鹏. 固体表面开裂的周期图案: II. 应用与防害. 力学与实践 2011 Vol. 33 (4): 80-82
11. 蒋持平, 柴慧, 严鹏. 近空间高超声速飞行器防热隔热与热力耦合研究进展. 力学与实践 2011 Vol. 33 (1): 1-9, 34
12. 马昭, 蒋持平. 不可压平面无黏流动的弹性力学比拟. 力学与实践 2011 Vol. 33 (4): 63-65
13. 严鹏, 蒋持平. 材料力学方法分析接触问题的精度与梁理论的改进. 力学与实践 2010 Vol. 32 (4): 74-76
14. 蒋持平,王士敏,张华,为创新人才筑基的北航实验力学教学中心建设,实验技术与管理,2010,27(3): 263-265
15. 蒋持平, 徐耀玲, 肖俊华, 严鹏. 探寻素质教育与考试选拔的结合点. 力学与实践 2009 Vol. 31 (4): 71-72
16. 蒋持平. 杆的奉献--《力学与实践》的几位北航老编委. 力学与实践 2009 Vol. 31 (1): 92-92
17. 蒋持平. 让我们仰望星空——第7届全国周培源大学生力学竞赛总结. 力学与实践 2009 Vol. 31 (5): 103-103
18. 刘俊丽,杨亚政,蒋持平,力学综合性期刊为高校人才培养服务的探索与实践,中国科技期刊研究,2008,19(4):673-676
19. 袁利峥, 蒋持平. 双杠立柱位置与工程等强设计. 力学与实践 2008 Vol. 30 (3): 92-93
20. 王京盈, 蒋持平. 材料力学方法分析带锥度杆和梁的精度. 力学与实践 2008 Vol. 30 (6): 84-86
21. 蒋持平. 全国周培源大学生力学竞赛二十年总结. 力学与实践 2007 Vol. 29 (2): 91-91
22. 蒋持平. 发展•创新•挑战——第六届全国周培源大学生力学竞赛总结. 力学与实践 2007 Vol. 29 (5): 89-90
23. 蒋持平. 让科学想象插翅高飞——介绍中央电视台节目《第6届全国周培源大学生力学团体赛》,力学与实践 2007 Vol. 29 (6): 92
24. 蒋持平, 王士敏, 姜开厚, 张华, 王琪. 基础力学课程群实验教学改革的初步探索. 力学与实践 2007 Vol. 29 (6): 69-71
25. 张华, 潘晓丽, 郭辉, 白涛, 王海文, 蒋持平. 依托学科优势建设有特色的流体力学教学实验体系. 力学与实践 2007 Vol. 29 (4): 77-78
26. 蒋持平. 为明天的探索奠基——北京航空航天大学材料力学精品课建设. 力学与实践 2006 Vol. 28 (4): 73-75
27. 蒋持平,王琪,工科(力学)基础课教学基地的亮点——创建探究型教学模式,北京教育(高教版),2005,6:35-36
28. 蒋持平,严鹏,逐段变形效应叠加法的能量法证明及其推广,力学与实践,2004,26(4):66-67
29. 蒋持平,严鹏,计算梁与刚架位移两类叠加法的适用范围,力学与实践,2003,25(6):62-64
30. 蒋持平,材料力学教学中的科学思维方式培养,力学与实践,2001,23(3):52
31. 蒋持平,第四届全国周培源大学生力学竞赛总结. 力学与实践 2001 Vol. 23 (1): 72

(1) 国家自然科学基金,主持,项目编号:11172023,项目名称:陶瓷材料热震失效机理研究,起止年月:2012.1-2015.12,经费:72万元,在研,进展顺利。
(2) 国家自然科学基金,主持,项目编号:10972020,项目名称:多场耦合作用下非均匀材料胞元分析的几个基础理论问题研究,起止年月:2010.1-2012.12,经费:40万元,在研,已取得重要成果,年底结题。
(3) 国家自然科学基金国际(中法)合作项目,中方排名第二,主持北航课题组,项目编号:11061130550,项目名称:陶瓷材料热震断裂的试验、理论和数值研究,起止年月:2011.1-2013.12,经费:60万元,在研,已取得重要成果。(参加的相应法国项目编号:French ANR program T-Shock OTP J11R087, 经费:20万欧元)
(4) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划子项,主持,项目编号:90716002,项目名称:大面积超高温热防护材料与结构防热隔热机理与热力耦合效应研究,起止年月:2008.1-2010.12,经费:70万元,圆满完成,取得重要成果,已结题。
(5) 国家自然科学基金,主持,项目编号:10672008,项目名称:双周期黎曼边值问题在非均匀材料中的应用与计算力学新方法研究,起止年月:2007.1-2009.12,经费:36万元,圆满完成,取得重要成果,已结题。

1. P. Yan,C.P. Jiang,Song,united series solution for the anti-plane effective magnetoelectroelastic modulai of three-phase fiber composites, International Journal of Solids and structures, 2013, 50: 176-185
2. C.P. Jiang, X.F. Wu, J. Li, F. Song, Y.F. Shao, X.H. Xu, P. Yan. A study of the mechanics of formulation and numerical simulations of crack patterns in ceramics subjected to thermal shock. Acta Materialia, 2012, 60(11): 4540-4550
3. Zhiliang Zhou, Fan Song, Yingfeng Shao, Songhe Meng, Chiping Jiang, Jia Li. Characteristics of the surface heat transfer coefficient for Al2O3 ceramic in water quench. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2012, 32(12): 3029-3034
4. C.P. Jiang, F.L. Chen, P. Yan, F. Song. Prediction of effective stagnant thermal conductivities of porous materials at high temperature by the generalized self-consistent method. Philosophical Magazine, 2012, 92(16): 2032-2047
5. H.L. Hou, X.F. Wu, P. Yan, F. Song, J. Li, C.P. Jiang. Crack patterns corresponding to the residual strength plateau of ceramics subjected to thermal shock. 2012, 28(3): 670-674
6. R. Guinovart-Díaz, P. Yan, R. Rodríguez-Ramos, J.C. López-Realpozo, C.P. Jiang, J. Bravo-Castillero, F.J. Sabina. Effective properties of piezoelectric composites with parallelogram periodic cells. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2012, 53: 58-66
7. P. Yan, C.P. Jiang, F. Song. An eigenfunction expansion-variational method for the anti-plane electroelastic behavior of three-phase fiber composites. Mechanics of Materials, 2011, 43(10): 586-597
8. J.H. Xiao, Y.L. Xu, C.P. Jiang. Exact solution to the antiplane problem of doubly periodic conducting rigid line inclusions of unequal size in piezoelectric materials. ZAMM - Z. Angew. Math. Me., 2011, 91(5): 413-424
9. Q.H. Fang, H. Feng, Y.W. Liu, C.P. Jiang. Energy density and release rate study of an elliptic-arc interface crack in piezoelectric solid under anti-plane shear. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2011, 55(1): 20-30
10. Reinaldo Rodríguez-Ramos, P. Yan, Juan C. López-Realpozo, Raúl Guinovart-Díaz, Julián Bravo-Castillero, Federico J. Sabina, C.P. Jiang. Two analytical models for the study of periodic fibrous elastic composite with different unit cells. Composite Structure, 2011, 93(2): 709-714
11. P. Yan, F.L. Chen, C.P. Jiang, F. Song. An eigenfunction expansion-variational method in prediction of the transverse thermal conductivity of fiber reinforced composites considering interfacial characteristics. Composites Science and Technology, 2010, 70(12): 1726-1732
12. P. Yan, C.P. Jiang, F. Song. A complex variable solution of two-dimensional heat conduction of composites reinforced with periodic arrays of cylindrically orthotropic fibers. Computational Materials Science, 2010. 50(2): 704-713
13. P. Yan, F.L. Chen, C.P. Jiang, F. Song. U-transformation-finite element method in 3-dimensional analysis of orthotropic laminates. Composite Structures, 2010, 92(12): 3002-3010
14. Y.F. Shao, X.H. Xu, S.H. Meng, G.H. Bai, C.P. Jiang, F. Song. Crack patterns in ceramic plates after quenching, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2010, 93(10): 3006-3008
15. C.P. Jiang, F.L. Chen, P. Yan, F. Song. A four-phase confocal elliptical cylinder model for predicting the effective thermal conductivity of coated fibre composites. Philosophical Magazine, 2010, 90(26): 3601-3615
16. Q.N. Liu, S.H. Meng, C.P. Jiang. Critical Biot's number for Determination of the Sensitivity of Spherical Ceramics to Thermal Shock. Chinese Physics Letters, 2010, 27(8): 088104
17. Q.N. Liu, F. Song, S.H. Meng, C.P. Jiang. Universal Biot number determining stress duration and susceptibility of ceramic cylinders to quenching. Philosophical Magazine, 2010, 90(13): 1725-1732
18. P. Yan, C.P. Jiang, F. Song. Estimation of Transverse Thermal Conductivity of Doubly-periodic Fiber Reinforced Composites. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2010, 23(1): 54-60
19. P. Yan, C.P. Jiang. An eigenfunction expansion-variational method based on a unit cell in analysis of a generally doubly periodic array of cracks. Acta Mechanica, 2010, 210(1-2): 117-134
20. F. Song, Q.N. Liu, S.H. Meng, C.P. Jiang. A universal Biot number determining the susceptibility of ceramics to quenching. Europhysics Letters, 2009, 87(5): 54001
21. F.L. Chen, C.P. Jiang. A three-phase confocal elliptical cylinder model for predicting the thermal conductivity of composites, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol.7493, 2009, 2nd International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering
22. P. Yan, C.P. Jiang. A finite element analysis of effective thermoelectroelastic properties of composites with a doubly periodic array of piezoelectric fibers. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2009, 23(6-7): 1689-1694
23. J.H. Xiao, C.P. Jiang. Exact solution for orthotropic materials weakened by doubly periodic cracks of unequal size under antiplane shear. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2009, 22(1): 53-63
24. Z.H. Tong, S.H. Lo, C.P. Jiang, Y.K. Cheung. An exact solution for the three-phase thermo-electro-magneto-elastic cylinder model and its application to piezoelectric–magnetic fiber composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2008,45(20): 5205-5219