

长期专注于实验固体力学方法基础理论及其应用的研究,对:1)用于固体表面位移、应变和形貌测量的二维、三维数字图像相关方法和用于固体内部三维变形测量的数字体图像相关方法;2)用于极端高温环境中高超声速飞行器材料和结构表面高温变形测量的非接触、全场光测技术;3)用于物体表面形貌测量的数字条纹投影轮廓术进行了系统、全面、深入和细致的研究,取得了一系列在本领域内具有影响的原创性研究成果。已在国内外学术期刊上发表论文73篇,被SCI收录论文40篇,其中第一作者SCI论文24篇,非第一作者SCI论文16篇(包括通讯作者2篇)。所发表的SCI论文中有六篇影响因子大于3.0,有三篇SCI论文被期刊主编作为当期封面论文予以重点推荐。2012年11月Web of Science检索结果显示,全部SCI论文总被引602次,他引449次。其中第一作者SCI论文总被引526次,他引387次(有6篇第一作者SCI论文单篇被引超过38次,2篇第一作者SCI论文单篇被引超过95次,第一作者SCI论文单篇最高被引110次)。

近三年受国际学术会议邀请做特邀报告三次。2012年8月 受国际实验力学领域权威专家、国际期刊Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 主编、英国Universityof Liverpool的Patterson Eann教授和美国University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign的John Lambros教授联合邀请参加在英国格拉斯哥大学举办的 “International Workshop on Strain Measurement in Extreme Environments”(极端环境应变测量国际研讨会,全球仅邀请40名专家参加,参会费用由会议主办方承担),并做题为“Non-contacting high-temperature strain measurement using active imaging digital image correlation”的邀请报告。2011年4月在“international conference on Optics in Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology”国际会议(新加坡)上做邀请报告,报告内容随后被推荐发表在Elsevier期刊Optics and Lasers in Engineering。2010年6月受美国同行邀请在美国实验力学年会(SEM annual conference 2010)做40分钟Keynote邀请报告“Recent progress in digital image correlation”,该报告内容被推荐发表在实验力学权威期刊Experimental Mechanics。


1.Pan B*, Yu LP, Dafang Wu, Liqun Tang. “Systematic errors in two-dimensional digital image correlation due to lens distortion”. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2013, 51(2): 140-147.
2.Zhou YH, Pan B*, Chen YQ. “Large deformation measurement using digital image correlation: a full automatic approach”. Applied Optics, 2012, 51(31): 7674-7683.
3.Pan B*, Wu DF, Yu LP. “Optimization of a three-dimensional digital image correlation system for deformation measurement in extreme environments”. Applied Optics, 2012, 51(19): 4409-4419.
4.Pan B*, Wu DF, Wang ZY. “Internal displacement and strain measurement using digital volume correlation: A least squares framework”. Measurement Science and Technology. 2012, 23, 045002. (影响因子: 1.353) (Top 3% downloaded paper across all IOP journals in 2012).
5.Pan B*, Wu DF, Xia Y. “Incremental Calculation for Large Deformation Measurement Using Reliability-guided Digital Image Correlation”. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2012, 50(4): 586-592 (影响因子: 1.567,被引次数: 3).
6.Pan B*, Wu DF, Xia Y. “An Active Imaging Digital Image Correlation Method for Deformation Measurement Insensitive to Ambient Light”. Optics & Laser Technology, 2012, 44(1): 204-209 (影响因子: 1.616,被引次数: 3).  (Most read paper across all papers published in JOLT).
7.Pan B*. “Recent Progress in Digital Image Correlation”. Experimental Mechanics. 2011, 51(7): 1223-1235. (影响因子: 1.854,被引次数: 6) .
8.Pan B*, Li K. “A Fast Digital Image Correlation Method for Deformation Measurement”. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2011, 49(7): 841-847. (影响因子: 1.567,被引次数: 11) (#3 most downloaded paper April-June, 2011)
9.Pan B*, Wu DF, Wang ZY, Xia Y. “High-temperature Digital Image Correlation for Full-field Deformation Measurement at 1200oC”. Measurement Science and Technology. 2011, 22(1),015701. (影响因子: 1.350, 被引次数: 8)
10.Pan B*, Xie HM, Wang ZY. “Equivalence of Digital Image Correlation Criteria for Pattern Matching”. Applied Optics. 2010, 49(28): 5501-5509. (影响因子: 1.410, 被引次数: 15).
11.Pan B*, Wu DF, Xia Y. “High-temperature Deformation Field Measurement by Combing Transient Aerodynamic Heating System and Reliability-guided Digital Image Correlation”. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2010(9),48:841-848. (影响因子: 1.262, 被引次数: 11)
12.Pan B*, Lu ZX, Xie HM. “Mean Intensity Gradient: An Effective Global Parameter for Quality Assessment of the Speckle Patterns Used in Digital Image Correlation”. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2010, 48(4): 469-477. (影响因子: 1.262, 被引次数:20)
13.Pan B*, Wang ZY, Lu ZX. “Genuine Full-field Deformation Measurement of An Object with Complex Shape using Reliability-guided Digital Image Correlation”. Optics Express. 2010, 18(2):1011-1023 (影响因子: 3.278, 被引次数:11) .
14.Li K, Pan B*. “Frequency-guided Windowed Fourier Ridges Technique for Automatic Demodulation of a Single Closed Fringe Pattern”. Applied Optics. 2010, 49(1): 56-60. (影响因子: 1.410, 被引次数:1).
15.Pan B*, Wang ZY, Xie HM. “Generalized Spatial-gradient Based Digital Image Correlation for Displacement and Shape Measurement with Sub-pixel Accuracy”.Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. 2009, 44: 659-669. (影响因子: 0.626, 被引次数: 5)
16.Pan B*, Asundi A, Xie HM, Gao JX. “Digital Image Correlation using Iterative Least Squares and Pointwise Least Squares for Displacement Field and Strain Field Measurements”. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2009, 47(7-8):865-874. (影响因子: 1.103, 被引次数: 42).
17.Pan B*, Qian KM, Xie HM, Asundi A. “Two-dimensional Digital Image Correlation for In-plane Displacement and Strain Measurement: A Review”. Measurement Science and Technology. 2009, 20: 062001. (影响因子: 1.493, 被引次数: 110) . (Cover paper; Top 3% downloaded paper across all IOP journals in 2009; Most cited paper in last three years across all papers published in MST).
18.Pan B*. “Reliability-guided Digital Image Correlation for Image Deformation Measurement”. Applied Optics, 2009, 48(8): 1535-1542. (影响因子: 1.732, 被引次数: 23)
19.Pan B*, Xie HM, Yang LH, Wang ZY. “Accurate Measurement of Satellite Antenna Surface using Three-dimensional Digital Image Correlation Technique”. Strain, 2009,45(2):194-200.(影响因子: 1.154, 被引次数: 7).
20.Pan B*, Qian KM, Huang L, Asundi A. “Phase Error Analysis and Compensation for Non-sinusoidal Waveforms in Phase-shifting Digital Fringe Projection

Profilometry”. Optics Letters, 2009, 34(4): 416–418 (影响因子: 3.711, 被引次数: 46).(封面文章)
21.Pan B*, Xie HM, Hua T, Asundi A. “Measurement of Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Films using Digital Image Correlation Method”. Polymer Testing, 2009, 28:75-83. (影响因子: 1.357, 被引次数: 19).
22.Pan B*, Xie HM, Gao JX, Asundi A. “Improved Speckle Projection Profilometry for Out-of-plane Shape Measurement”. Applied Optics, 2008, 47(29): 5527-5533. (影响因子: 1.732, 被引次数: 12) (Selected for December, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics).
23.Pan B, Xie HM, Wang ZY, et al. “Study of Subset Size Selection in Digital Image Correlation for Speckle Patterns”. Optics Express, 2008, 16(10):7037-7048. (影响因子: 4.009, 被引次数: 38).
24.Pan B, Xie HM, Guo ZQ, Hua T. “Full-field Strain Measurement using a Two-dimensional Savitzky-Golay Digital Differentiator in Digital Image Correlation”. Optical Engineering, 2007, 46(3): 033601.2. (影响因子: 0.897, 被引次数: 40).
25.Pan B, Xie HM, Xu BQ, Dai FL. “Performance of Sub-pixel Registration Algorithms in Digital Image Correlation”. Measurement Science and Technology, 2006, 17 (6): 1615-1621. (影响因子: 1.228, 被引次数: 97).
26.Pan B, Xie HM, Kishimoto S, Xing YM. “Experimental Study of Moire Method in Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy”H Review of Scientific Instruments, 2006, 77 (4): 043101. (影响因子: 1.541, 被引次数: 5).

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