
周启发副教授,男,博士,19857月本科毕业于四川农业大学土壤及农业化学专业,1995年在浙江大学获农学博士学位。曾先后在英国Horticulture Research International 1998.12-1999.2)、美国University of California, San Diego 2002.9-2003.3)、美国Auburn University 2006.12-2007.12)和美国University of Florida 2011.11-2012.11)进行访问研究。主要从事作物氮素营养、作物高光谱遥感及生物质转化方面的研究。近5年来主持国家自然科学基金1项,863子课题1项,浙江省重大专项课题1项等。在Bioresource Technology, International Journal of Resmote Sensing, Journal of Plant Nutrition, Precision AgriculturePSCI期刊上发表论文10余篇。


1.Wang Fuming, Huang Jingfeng, Zhou Qifa. 2008.Optimal waveband identification for estimation of leaf area index of paddy rice.Jourrnal of Zhejing University-Science B 9:953-963.

2. Zhao Chunjiang, Wang Jihua, Huang Wenjiang, Zhou Qifa*.2010. Spectral indices sensitively discriminating wheat genotypes of different canopy architecture. Precision Agriculture 11:557-567.

3. Hui Lin, Cheng Wan, Ding Haitao, Chen Xuejiao, Zhou Qifa*, Zhao Yuhua. 2010. Direct microbial conversion of wheat straw into lipid by a cellulolytic fungus of Aspergillus oryzae A-4 in solid-state fermentation. Bioresource Technology, 101:7556–7562.

4. Zhou Qifa*, Liu Zhanyu, Huang Jingfeng.2010. Detection of nitrogen-overfertilized rice plants with leaf positional difference in hyperspectral vegetation index. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B, 6:465-470.

5. Lin Hui, Wang Bin, Zhuang Renyao, Zhou Qifa, Zhao Yuhua. 2011. Artificial construction and characterization of a fungal consortium that produces cellulolytic enzyme system with strong wheat straw saccharification. Bioresource Technology, 102:10569-10576.