
万俊芬 简历
1998/8 - 2003/7,中国海洋大学, 硕、 博士生
1992/8 - 1996/7,大连水产学院, 本科生
2003/9 - 至今,华东理工大学,生物工程学院, 讲师/副教授
2012/3 - 2014/3,俄亥俄州立大学,访问学者
1996.7-1996.8, 威海渔业公司,技术员
本科生《生物分离工程》 48学时
本科生《生物分离工程基础实验》 60学时
本科生《生物分离工程综合实验》 60学时
研究生《现代生物分离工程》 32学时
1、 新型生物分离技术
2、 生物活性物质的分离纯化
1、 Rong Ye, Junfen Wan, Zirui Zhao, Rong Gao, Xuejun Cao*, Conversion of Calcium
Citrate into Citric Acid with Compressed CO2, J. of Supercritical Fluids, 2015,
2、 Junfen Wan, Qingxi Li, Feng Zhou, Jingjing Liu, Xuejun Cao, Infl uence of
chaotropes on recovery of trypsin and micellar sizes during reverse micelle
extraction, Separation and Purifi cation Technology 2013, 116: 307– 312.
3、 Junfen Wan, Jiemin He, Xuejun Cao*, A Novel Process for Preparing Pure
Chenodeoxycholic Acid from Poultry Bile, J. Ind. Eng. Chem, 2012, 18: 65-71
4、 Bo Zhou, Junfen Wan, Jinzhi Wang, Xuejun Cao*, Effect of chaotropes in reverse
micellar extraction of kallikrein, Process Biochemistry, 2012, 47:229– 233
5、 Junfen Wan, Xuejun Cao*, Wei Wang, Biao Ning, Xian Li, Partition of Several
Model Bioproducts in recycling aqueous two-phase systems with pH/light
responsive copolymers, Separation and Purification Technology ,
2010,76:104– 109
6、 ZHOU Libo, WAN Junfen* , CAO Xuejun*, Synthesis of thermo-sensitive copolymer
with affinity butyl ligand and its application in lipase purification, Journal
of Chromatography B, 2010, 878 : 1025– 1030
7、 LIANG Shuang, WAN Junfen*, ZHU Jianliang, CAO Xuejun*, Effects of porogens on
the morphology and enantioselectivity of core-shell molecularly imprinted
polymers with ursodeoxycholic acid, Separation and Purification Technology,
2010, 72: 208– 216
8、 Xian Li, Junfen Wan, Xuejun Cao*, Preliminary application of light-pH sensitive
recycling aqueous two-phase systems to purification of lipase, Process
Biochemistry, 2010, 45: 598– 601
9、 Song Qingrong, Zhu Jianliang, Wan Junfen, Cao Xuejun*, Measurement and modelling
of epigallocatechin gallate solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide fluid
with ethanol cosolvent, Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, 2010, 55,
3946– 3951.
1、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,再生型两水相体系成相与分配的分子调控机制及其应用研
究, 2014/01-2017/12。
2、 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 促溶离子提高反胶束萃取效率的机制与应用研究,
3、 国家重点实验室基金,再生型双水相体系的构建与应用, 2009/06-2011/06。
4、 企业合作, 抗生素的提取, 2001401-201601。
邮箱: wanjunfen@ecust.edu.cn
电话: 021-64251960