
刘 强 博士,副教授
Dr. LIU Qiang
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
Hunan University, 410082 Changsha, China
专业方向: 有机化学, 仿生催化,物理有机化学

Phone: +86-731-8882-1314(lab)

2004.12 湖南大学化学化工学院博士毕业;
2006.4  湖南大学化学化工学院,副教授;
2010.10~2011.9 法国勃艮第大学博士后

1. 卟啉化合物的合成及其仿生催化烃类氧化研究,湖南省自然科学一等奖(排第二),2010;
2. 金属卟啉催化空气氧化环己烷的方法 。第十届中国专利优秀奖(排第二),2007;
3. 环己烷仿生催化氧化制备环己酮工艺。高等学校技术发明一等奖(排第三),2006; 

4. 湖南大学教师教学讲课比赛三等奖,2006


1. Liu Q ,Guo C.-C.* Theoretical studies and industrial applications of oxidative activation of inert C-H bond 
    by metalloporphyrin-based biomimetic catalysis. Sic. China, Chem., 2012,55(10): 2036–2053.
2. Xiao Y, Luo W.-P., Zhang X.-Y., Guo C.-C.*, Liu Q, Jiang G.-F., Li, Q.-H. Aerobic oxidation of  p-toluic acid to terephthalic 
     acid over T(p-Cl)PPMnCl/Co(OAc)2 under moderate  conditions. Catal. Lett., 2010, 134(1-2), 155-161.
3. Liu Q, Gong Y.-Z., Gong C.-J., Li Q.-H., Guo C.-C.* A new one-pot synthesis of μ-oxo dimeric iron(III) porphyrins from 
     meso-tetraarylporphyrins. J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines, 2009, 13, 854-858.
4. Guo, C.-C*, Liu, X.-Q., Liu, Q., Liu, Y., Chu, M.-F., Lin, W.-Y. First industrial-scale biomimetic oxidation of hydrocarbon
     with air over metalloporphyrins as cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase model and its mechanistic studies. J. Porphyrins
     Phthalocyanines, 2009, 13, 1250-1254.
5. Hu B.-Y., Yuan Y.-J., Xiao J., Guo C.-C., Liu Q, Tan Z, Li Q-H. Rational oxidation of cyclohexane to cyclohexanol, 
    cyclohexanone and adipic acid with air over metalloporphyrin and cobalt salt. J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines, 2008,     
    12,   27-34.
6. Jiang Q., Hu H.-Y., Guo C.-C., Liu Q., Song J.-X., Li Q.-H. Aerobic  liquid-phase oxidation of p xylene over 
     metalloporphyrins. J. Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines., 2007, 11(7): 524-530.
7. Hu H.-Y., Jiang Q., Liu Q., Song  J.-X., Lin W.-Y., Guo C.-C*. Catalysis of μ-oxo-bis[porphyriniron(III)] for   
    toluene oxidation with molecular oxygen. J. Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines., 2006, 10(7): 948-952.
8. Li Y.-F., Guo C.-C., Yan X.-H., Liu Q. Aerobic oxidative cleavage of C=C double bond of styrene catalyzed by simple 
     manganese porphyrin. J. Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines., 2006, 10(7): 942-947.
9.  Guo C.-C.*, Liu Q., Wang X.-T., Hu H.-Y. Selective liquid phase oxidation of toluene with air. Appl. Catal. A: Gen., 2005, 
       282, 55-59.
10. Guo C.-C.*, Peng Q.-J., Liu Q, Jiang GF. Selective oxidation of ethylbenzene with air catalyzed by simple μ-oxo dimeric  
       metalloporphyrins under mild conditions in the absence of additives. J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem., 2003, 192(1-2): 295-302。
11. Guo C.-C*., Liu X.-Q., Liu Y., Liu Q., Chu M.-F., Zhang X.-B. Studies of simple μ-oxo-bisiron(III) -porphyrin as catalyst of
      cyclohexane oxidation with air in absence of cocatalysts or coreductants. J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem., 2003, 192, 289-294.
12. Guo C.-C., Chu M.-F., Liu Q., Liu Y., Guo D.-C., Liu X.-Q. Effective catalysis of simple metalloporphyrins for cylohexane 
       oxidation with air in the absence of additives and solvents. Appl. Catal. A: Gen., 2003, 246, 303-309.
13. 梁学博, 胡伯羽, 袁永军, 刘强, 郭灿城. 金属卟啉催化空气氧化环己烷反应的工艺优化. 化工学报, 2007, 58(3): 794-800.
14. 李勇飞, 严旭辉, 江国防, 刘强, 宋建新, 郭灿城. 金属卟啉催化的甲苯氧化及工艺优化. 中国化学工程学报(英文版), 2007, 15
        (3): 453-457.

National Patents:
1. 郭灿城,刘强,刘洋 .选择性氧化对二甲苯成甲基苯甲醇、甲基苯甲醛和甲基苯甲酸的方法. ZL 01114593.5.
2. 郭灿城, 刘强, 王旭涛. 空气氧化六碳环化合物制备己二酸的方法. ZL 03118249.6
3. 郭灿城, 刘强, 江国防. 烯烃氧化制备α-烯酸的方法. ZL 200610031682.8.
4. 郭灿城, 姜权, 胡海洋,刘强. 羧酸酯的合成方法. ZL 200610031481.8
5. 郭灿城, 郭栋才, 罗伟平, 邓 伟, 刘 强, 江国防. 环己烷空气氧化制备环己醇、环己酮和己二酸的工艺及设备. ZL 
6. 郭灿城, 刘强, 公衍之. 一种金属卟啉的合成方法. ZL 200310110537.5