余篇SCI/EI 论文,申请8 项专利,授权4 项。作为主要贡献人员分别在2009年和2011年获得了国家科技进步奖二等奖2 项。近年来,国内外著名期刊IEEE
Transactions on Neural Networks、Engineering Applications of Artificial
【1】Yuan Jin, Wang Kesheng, Yu Tao and Fang Minglun, Reliable
multi-objective optimization of high-speed WEDM process based on Gaussian
process regression, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture.
Volume 48, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 47-60. 引用25次
【2】Yuan Jin, Liu Cheng-Liang, Li Yan-Ming, Zeng Qingbing, Xuan
F. Zha, Gaussian processes based bivariate control parameters optimization of
variable-rate granular fertilizer applicator, Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture, Volume 70, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 33-41.
【3】Yuan Jin, Bo Liefeng, Wang Kesheng and Yu Tao. 2007. Adaptive
Spherical Gaussian Kernel in Sparse Bayesian Learning Framework for Nonlinear
Regression. Expert System with Applications, Volume 36, Issue 2, Part 2, March
2009, Pages 3982-3989. 引用8次
【4】Yuan Jin, Cheng-Liang; Liu, Xuemei; Wang, Kesheng; Yu, Tao.
“Incorporating prior model into Gaussian processes regression for WEDM process
modeling”, Expert System with Applications, Volume 36, Issue 4, (2009), Pages
8084-8092 . 引用1次
【5】Yuan Jin, Wang Kesheng, Yu Tao and Fang Minglun, 2007.
"Integrating relevance vector machines and genetic algorithms for optimization
of seed-separating process", Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence, Vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 970-979. 引用21次
【6】Yuan Jin, Li Yanming, Liu Chengliang, Xuan F. Zha:
Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation Based Model Selection for Manifold
Regularization. Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2010 - 7th International
Symposium on Neural Networks 2010. PP: 457-464.
【7】Yuan Jin, Liu Chengliang, Xuan F. Zha: Relevance vector
machines based modelling and optimisation for collaborative control parameter
design: a case study. International Journal of Computer Applications in
Technology, 36(3/4): 191-199 (2009).
【8】Yuan Jin, Wang Kesheng, Yu Tao and Liu Xuemei,
“Step-Spreading Map Knowledge Based Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for
Robot-Path Planning”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics (SMC 2007), Montreal, Canada (Oct. 2007). pp.3402-3407, ISBN
【9】Yuan Jin, Yu Tao, Wang Kesheng, and Liu Xuemei. “Adaptive
Spherical Gaussian Kernel for fast Relevance Vector Machine Regression”, The 7th
World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA'08), 2008, p
【10】Yuan Jin, Wang Kesheng, Yu Tao and Liu Xuemei.
"Incorporating fuzzy prior knowledge into Relevance Vector Machine regression,"
Neural Networks, 2008. IJCNN 2008. (IEEE World Congress on Computational
Intelligence). IEEE International Joint Conference on , vol., no., pp.510-515,
1-8 June 2008.
【11】Yuan Jin, Tao Yao, Wang Kesheng. 2006. A hybrid intelligent
approach for optimal control of seed cleaner. In Proc. of IFIP TC5 International
Conference of Prolamat.2006: Springer, pp780-785.
【12】Yuan Jin, Xu Zhi-Ming, Liu Cheng-Liang, He Chuang-Xin, CBM
based semi-supervised learning and its model selection for fault diagnosis and
knowledge fusion, International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and
Automation (IWAMA2010),pp:42-50.
【15】苑进,刘成良,古玉雪,基于相关向量机的双变量施肥控制序列优化,农业机械学报,2011, 42(Z1):
【16】苑进,刘雪美,江涛. 遥感图像中多分类问题的树型RBF神经网络方法[J], 农业工程学报, 2004,(05) .
pp. 173-177.
【17】苑进; 刘雪美; 李进京; 侯存良, 基于神经网络建模的种子精选机遗传最优控制, 农业工程学报, 2003(1),
【18】刘成良, 周俊, 苑进, 黄丹枫, 新型冲量式谷物联合收割机精准智能测产系统研究,中国科学:信息科学, 2010,40:
【1】土壤作物信息采集与肥水精量实施关键技术及装备 获2011年国家科技进步奖二等奖 第5位项目完成人
【2】高性能尾气净化器柔性制造关键技术及成套装备 获2009年国家科技进步奖二等奖 第6位项目完成人