姜旼,副教授,华东师范大学艺术学院音乐学系,专业方向:音乐教育- 课程与教学、教师教育、音乐教育研究法(实证)。 一、学习经历 1.哲学博士 美国伊利诺大学 - 鄂本纳-香槟校区 音乐学院音乐教育专业 (Ph.D in Music Education, School of Music University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 2.音乐硕士 美国伊利诺大学 - 鄂本纳-香槟校区 音乐学院 3.文学士 台湾师范大学音乐系 二、科研 2012.5–2013.3 教育部高中课程标准(音乐学科)实施情况调研. 2012.7-2013.6 上海市”十二五” 课外校外教师专业发展课程开发与培训.上海市科艺教育中心项目 2006.4-2008.6 上海市”十一五”艺术教师课程开发与培训.上海市科艺教育中心项目 2008.3-2010.12 多元化音乐教育实习规划与成效探析(华师大教学建设项目) 2001.9至2003.8 (台湾)教育部高教司人文与科学领域:九年一贯艺术与人文领 域师资培育之教学整合规划(教育部项目编号H154) 三、专著 2010.11当代发达国家艺术课程与发展趋势–音乐教育篇 (主编: 钱初熹) 四、论文 姜旼(2013).中国学校音乐教育及师资培育改革与发展趋势.台北市立大学2013年音乐教育学术研讨会专题报告. Chiang, Ming(2011). Preparing the pre-service music education students to work with and perform for adolescents: A case study at East China Normal University. Taipei: The 8th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research Li, Hei Kun & Chiang, Ming(2010) Novice Music Teacher Education in China: A Comparison between Shanghai and Hefe, Anhui. Beijing: The World Conference of International Society of Music Education. Yue, Kan & Chiang, Ming(2010) Nanjing Music in Local Junior High School Music Class : Baiju and Fangshan Drum. Beijing: The World Conference of International Society of Music Education. Wang, Jun & Chiang, Ming(2009). An Experimental Study of Teaching ‘Wu Yin Opera’at the Middle School in Zibo City, Shandong Province. Shanghai:The 7th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research Hu, Yan & Chiang, Ming(2009).The Status of In-Service Music Teacher Education at the Middle School Level in Shanghai. Shanghai:The 7th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research. Chen, Ai-Feng & Chiang,Ming (2009). An Investigation of the Status of Children’s Songs at the Kindergartens in Shanghai. Shanghai: The 7th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research Chiang, Ming (2008). School Music Education in China: Trends and Perspectives. The 2008 Symposium of the Music Educators Association of South Korea: Keynote Address. 姜旼(2008).中美音乐教师教育相关研究的特点与趋势比较.华东师范大学全国教师教育论坛-艺术教育分论坛论文. 姜旼(1998). The Status of Music Teacher Education in Taiwan, the Republic of China: An Application of Fuzzy Set Theory (台湾音乐师资培育实施情况之效益评估及改进研究:模糊集合理论).(博士论文).