


1. 国家创新药物重大专项:药物晶型优化及产业化技术    
2. 科技部国际合作重大项目:药物超分子组装、调控和高效化传送系统基础研究
3. 国家自然科学基金:溶剂介导药物晶型转化的过程研究
4. 天津市自然科学基金:药物多晶型在溶液中的转晶机理研究
5. 教育部博士点新教师基金:有机药物共晶基础研究
6. 863计划子课题:生物制造分离过程技术与装备(工业结晶过程与装备)
7. 863计划子课题:柠檬酸、葡萄糖酸生物转化(柠檬酸和葡萄糖酸结晶技术)
8. 国家重点实验室开放基金:基于过程分析技术和流体力学模型的工业结晶设计
9. 国家自然科学重点基金:分子仿生调控药物结晶的作用机理与过程强化研究
10. 天津市自然科学重点基金:药物共晶超分子组转与调控机理研究
11. 产学研合作项目:生物制药、糖和糖醇、有机生物农药和兽药、精细化工和石化产品 等


发表论文54 篇,其中SCI 论文36 篇;申请和授权国家发明专利14 项。近两年发表论文:
1. Xiujuan Li, Si Chang, Guangsheng Du, Junbo Gong, Zhenping Wei. Encapsulation of azithromycin into polymeric microspheres by reduced pressure-solvent evaporation method. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Accepted 2013.
2. Jingmei Hou, Ruiyan Li, Songgu Wu, Junbo Gong. The induction time, interfacial energy and growth mechanism of maltitol in batch cooling crystallization, CRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY, Accepted 2013.
3. Ruiyan Li, Junbo Gong. Correlation of Solubility and Prediction of the Mixing Properties of Ginsenoside Compound K in Various Solvents, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Accepted 2013.
4. Songgu Wu, Junbo Gong. Experimental determination of the solid liquid equilibrium, metastable zone, and nucleation parameters of the flunixin meglumine-ethanol system, Journal of Crystal Growth, Accepted 2013.
5. Zhang Mianzhi; Liu Miao; Xiong Min; Gong Junbo. Schisandra chinensis fruit extract attenuates albuminuria and protects podocyte integrity in a mouse model of streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 2012, 141(1): 111-118.
6. Li Runyan; Dong Weibing; He Huining; Gong Junbo. Isolation, characterization and phase transformation of new ginsenoside compound k hydrate and methanol solvates. CRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012, 47(4): 377-384.
7. Zhang, X., Yin, Q., Cui, P., Liu, Z., Gong, J. Correlation of solubilities of hydrophilic pharmaceuticals versus dielectric constants of binary solvents. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51(19): 6933-6938.
8. Wu Songgu; Jiang Xiaobin; Dong Weibing; Gong Junbo. Phase Equilibria, Crystallization, and Microstructural Studies of the Flunixin Meglumine plus Meglumine System. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA, 2012, 57(1): 204-207.
9. David Allan E.; Gong Junbo; Chertok Beata; etc.. Immobilized thermolysin for highly efficient production of low-molecular-weight protamine-An attractive cell-penetrating peptide for macromolecular drug delivery applications. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART A, 2012, 100A(1): 211-219.
10. Zhang Jinli; Liu Anyuan; Han You; Gong Junbo. Effects of Self-Assembled Monolayers on Selective Crystallization of Tolbutamide. CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 2011, 11(12): 5498-5506.
11. Hu Jiajia; Qin Kunhua; Zhang Yan; Gong Junbo. Downregulation of transcription factor Oct4 induces an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition via enhancement of Ca2+ influx in breast cancer cells. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS. 2011, 411(4): 786-791.
12. Yan, H., Li, R., Li, Q., Wang, J., Gong Junbo. Solubility of minoxidil in methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, 1-butanol, and water from (278.15 to 333.15) K, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2011, 56 (5): 2720-2722.
13. Cui, P., Yin, Q., Gong Junbo. Solubility of candesartan cilexetil in different solvents at various temperatures, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2011, 56 (3): 658-660.
14. Song, L., Gao, Y., Gong, J. Measurement and correlation of solubility of clopidogrel hydrogen sulfate (Metastable Form) in lower alcohols, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2011, 56 (5): 2553-2556.
15. Wang, P., Wang, J., Gong, J., Zhang, M. Determination of the solubility, dissolution enthalpy and entropy of Deflazacort in different solvents, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2011, 306(2): 171-174. 
16. 16. Zhang, J., Wang, L., Wang, D., Gong, J., Li, W., Wang, J. Solubility of dexibuprofen in different solvents from (263.15 to 293.15) K, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2011, 56 (3): 671-673.