
1991.9-1996.7 安徽医科大学临床医学专业,获学士学位。
2000.9-2003.6 苏州大学医学院人体解剖学专业,获硕士学位。
2005.9-2010.12 复旦大学上海医学院人体解剖与组织胚胎学专业,获博士学位。
1996.7-2000.7 安徽医科大学人体解剖学教研室,助教
2003.7-至今 复旦大学上海医学院解剖与组织胚胎学系,讲师
2013.11-2016.12 美国普渡大学-印第安纳大学医学院(IUPUI),神经外科系,访问学者,博士后
2017.09-2017.12 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校大卫.格芬医学院,访问学者
主要研究方向:(1) 胚胎干细胞和神经发育 (2) 胚胎干细胞和神经再生
1. 主持复旦大学青年科学基金项目“O-2A祖细胞和神经元联合移植对脊髓损伤修复的实验研究”(项目号:CHF101024)。
2. 主持复旦大学生物医学研究院(IBS)开放课题“Olig2+-GFP+-少突胶质前体细胞移植对放射性脊髓损伤的干预作用”(项目号:IBS0824)。
3. 主持复旦大学上海医学院青年科学基金“ Olig2+-GFP+-少突胶质前体细胞移植对撞击脊髓损伤的保护作用(项目号:11J-4)。
4. 主持上海市卫生局课题“Otx2在人胚胎干细胞向脊髓胆碱能中间神经元分化中的调控研究” (项目号:C704688)。
5. 参加国家自然基金项目“髓内细胞移植对放射性脊髓损伤的干预作用” (项目号:30770637),第三承担人。
6. 参加国家自然基金项目“人胚胎干细胞向前脑胆碱能神经元定向分化” (项目号:30800656),第四承担人。
1. Wenrui Qu,Nai-Kui Liu, Xiangbing Wu, Ying Wang, Yongzhi Xia, Yan Sun, Yvonne Lai, Rui Li, Anantha Shekhar and Xiao-MingXu. Disrupting nNOS–PSD95 Interaction Improves Neurological and Cognitive Recoveries after Traumatic Brain Injury. Cerebral Cortex, 2020;00: 1–13.(IF6.559) (SCI, 生物学一区)
2. Ying Wang, Wei Wu, Xiangbing Wu, Yan Sun, Yi P  Zhang, Ling-Xiao Deng, Melissa Jane Walker,Wenrui Qu, Chen Chen, Nai-Kui Liu, Qi Han, Heqiao Dai, Lisa BE Shields,Christopher B Shields, Dale R Sengelaub, Kathryn J  Jones, George M Smith, Xiao-Ming Xu. Remodeling  of  lumbar motor  circuity remote to athoracic  spinal cord  injury promotes locomotor  recovery. eLIFE  2018; 7:e39016. )  (IF 7.616) (SCI, 生物学一区)
3. Han Gao, Lianrong Dou, Liang Shan, Yan Sun and Wentao Li. Proliferation and committed differentiation into dopamine neurons of neuralstem cells induced by the active ingredients of radix astragali. Neuroreport(2018).Mar 21. doi: 10.1097/ WNR.0000000000000997. (IF1.395)(SCI,医学四区)
4. Hassan Al-Ali, YinDing, Tatiana Slepak, Wei Wu, YanSun (third author), Yania Ma-rtinez, Xiao-Ming Xu, V.P. Lemmon, J.L.Bixby. The mTOR substrate S6 Kinase 1 (S6K1) is a negative regulator of axonregeneration and a potential drug target for CNS injury. Journal of Neuroscience (2017) 37(30):7079-7095.(IF 5.988)(SCI, 医学一区)
5. Chen Chen, Yi Ping Zhang, YanSun, Wenhui Xiong, Lisa Shields, Chritopher B.Shields, Xiaoming Jin,Xiao-Ming Xu. An in vivo duo-color method for imaging vascular dynamicsfollowing contusive spinal cord injury. Journal of Visualized Experiments(2017) 31;(130).doi: 10.3791/56565.(IF 1.232)(SCI, 生物四区)
6. WenjingMao,YanSun (equally contributed),HuankangZhang, LuhongCao, JiajiaWang, PeijieHe*, Combined modality ofcarboplatin andphotodynamic therapy suppresses epithelial-mesenchymal transition and matrixmetalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2)/MMP-9 expression in HEp-2 human laryngeal cancercells via ROS-mediated inhibition of MEK/ERK signalling pathway. Lasers Med Sci(2016) 31:1697–1705. (IF 3.02)(SCI, 医学三区)
7. Li Xu, Yan Sun, LuGao, Yi-Yun Cai, Shen-Xin Shi. Prenatal Restraint Stress is Associated withDemethylationof Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone (CRH) Promoter and EnhancesCRH Transcriptional Responses to Stress in Adolescent Rats.Neurochem Res (2014) 39:1193–1198. (IF 2.8) (SCI, 医学三区)
8. Yan Sun, Chong-Chong Xu, JinLi, Xi-Yin Guan, Lu Gao, Li-Xiang Ma, Rui-Xi Li, Yu-Wen Peng, Guo-Pei Zhu.Transplantation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells improves locomotion deficitsin rats with spinal cord irradiation injury. PLOS ONE (2013) 8(2): e57534.doi:10.1371 /journal.pone. 0057534. (IF 3.02) (SCI, 生物三区)
9. Chongchong Xu, Lei Lv, Guoli Zheng, Beiya Li, Lu Gao, Yan Sun (Corresponding author). Neuregulin1β1 protects oligodendrocyteprogenitor cells from oxygen glucose deprivation injury induced apoptosis via ErbB4-dependentactivation of PI3-kinase/Akt. Brain Res ( 2012) 1467:104-112. (IF 3.15) (SCI,医学三区)
10. WangZhi-chao, Li Bing, Sun Yan(通讯作者). Neuregulin-1ß对星形胶质细胞营养和氧气剥夺后分化抗原簇蛋白44,肿瘤坏死因子a和白细胞介素1ß的影响.中华医学杂志,2012, 92(45):2227-2231.(中国权威刊物)
11. Weigang Cui, Yan Sun, Zhongping Wang, Chongchong Xu, Yuwen Peng, RuixiLi.Live X receptor activation attenuates inflammatory response and protectscholinergic neurons in  APP/PS1transgenic mice. Neuroscience (2012) 210: 200–210. (IF 3.46) (SCI,医学三区)
12. ZhangY, Sun Y, Wang F, Wang Z,Peng Y, Li R. Downregulating the Canonical Wnt / ß-catenin Signaling PathwayAttenuates the Susceptibility to Autism-like Phenotypes by Decreasing OxidativeStress. Neurochem Res (2012 ) 37(7):1409-19. (IF 2.8 ) (SCI,医学三区)
13. Xinping Zhu, Yan Sun, Zhongping Wang, Weigang Cui, Yuwen Peng, Ruixi Li.Expression of Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Its Receptors inCultured Retinal Muller Cells Under High Glucose Circumstance. The anatomical record (2012) 295:532–539. (IF 1.57)(SCI,医学四区)
14. Lv L, Han X, Sun Y, Wang X, Dong Q. Valproicacid improves locomotion in vivo after SCI and axonal growth of neurons invitro. Experimental Neurology (2012) 233(2):783-90.  (IF 4.706 ) (SCI,医学二区)
15. Lixiang Ma,Baoyang Hu, Yan Liu, Scott Christopher Vermilyea, Huisheng Liu, Lu Gao, Yan Sun, Xiaoqing Zhang,and Su-Chun Zhang. Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived GABA Neurons CorrectLocomotion Deficits in Quinolinic Acid-Lesioned Mice, Cell Stem Cell ( 2012)10(4):455-64. ( IF 23.394 ) (SCI,生物一区)
16. Lv L, Sun Y (equally contributed), Han X, Xu C, Tang Y, Dong Q. Valproic acid improves outcome after rodent spinal cord injury: potential roles of histonedeacetylaseinhibition. Brain Res (2011) 17;1396:60-8. (IF 3.15) (SCI,医学三区)
17. Cui W, Sun Y, WangZ, Xu C, Xu L, Wang F, Chen Z, Peng Y, Li R. Activation of Liver X ReceptorDecreases BACE1 Expression and Activity by Reducing Membrane Cholesterol Levels. Neurochem Res (2011) 36(10):1910-21. (IF 2.8 ) (SCI,医学三区)
18. Xu Li, WangZhongping, Sun Yan, Peng Yuwen, L i Ruixi. Age-related changes of parvalbumin expression in superiorcolliculus of prenatal valproate exposure rats. Chinese Journal of Neuronantomy(2010) 26(5):491-496. (权威刊物)
19. Susanna Pietropaolo, YanSun, Ruixi Li, Corine Brana, Joram Feldom, Benjamin K. Yee. Limitedimpact of social isolation on Alzheimer-like symptoms in a triple transgenicmouse model. Behav Neurosci (2009) 123(1):181-95. (IF 2.453 ) (SCI,医科三区)
20. Susanna Pietropaolo, YanSun, Ruixi Li, Corine Brana, Joram Feldom, Benjamin K. Yee. The impactof voluntary exercise on mental health in rodents: A neuroplasticity perspective. Behav Brain Res (2008) 192(1):42-60. (IF 3.16) (SCI,医学三区)
21. 刘惠婷,孙燕 (equally contributed),林芮和,刘英,王劼,李瑞锡,彭裕文. 低氧/复氧刺激对体外培养的胎鼠脊髓OPCs内NRG-1表达的影响. 神经解剖学杂志,2007,23(2):169-176.(中国权威刊物)

1. 2018年教育部产学合作协同育人项目:SPOC教学模式下复旦大学《系统解剖学》课程改革(项目号:201802136087);
2. 2018年中华医学会医学教育研究课题:SPOC 教学模式下《系统解剖学》课程改革与实践,(项目号:2018B-N12008);
3. 2018年复旦大学“在线混合式教学项目改革”-系统解剖学(项目号:2018ZX015);
4. 2019年复旦大学“在线混合式教学项目改革”-Systematic Anatomy (MBBS)(项目号:2019ZX012);
1. 孙燕、高璐、马丽香、李大伟、樊文科、李文生,混合式教学在系统解剖教学中的实践,解剖学杂志(核心),2019,42(6):610-612;
2. 孙燕、高璐、马丽香、秦杰、高静琰、张红旗、周国民、谭德炎、李文生,融入医学人文教育的局部解剖学教学模式的创新和实践,中国高等医学教育(核心),2019,2:57-58;
3. 孙燕、高璐、马丽香、秦杰、高静琰、张红旗、周国民、谭德炎、李文生,中美人体解剖学教育教学法的差异及启迪,解剖学研究(核心),2018,(40):5,284-286;
4. 李文生,谭德炎,章琛曦,史勇红,孙燕,基于学科交叉的断层解剖学课程教学模式的创新及实践,中国高等医学教育(核心),2015(8):53-54;
5. 李文生,陈碧娟,孙燕,科教融合的研究型教学模式探讨:以脑解剖教学为例,中国高等医学教育(核心),2013(9):29-30;
6. 李文生,陈碧娟,孙燕,多模态脑影像数据的图像处理及在脑解剖教学中应用,解剖学杂志(核心),2013,36(4):852-853;
1. 刘树伟主编。国家医学教育题库(五年制临床医学专业版)(ISBN978-7-89456-754-3)《局部解剖学》,人民卫生出版社,2017,
2. 蔡文琴,李和主编,组织化学与细胞化学,人民卫生出版社,2009;
3. 张红旗主编,系统解剖学,复旦大学出版社,2015;
4. 李文生主编,局部解剖学,复旦大学出版社,2016;
2.2013 年复旦大学“青年教师大奖赛”二等奖(医科组);
3.2013 年复旦大学“青年教师大奖赛”‐最佳教案奖;
4.2012‐2013 年复旦大学科创项目优秀指导老师;
5.2013 年复旦大学基础医学院优秀学生专业指导教师;
6.2012 年复旦大学研究生教学成果奖二等奖(排名第五);