
鲁文清,女,1953年2月出生,医学博士,教授,博士生导师。1976年毕业于同济医科大学卫生专业,毕业后留校从事环境卫生学的教学和科研工作,历任公共卫生学院助教、讲师、副教授、教授、硕士生和博士生导师。1994年获德国海徳堡大学医学博士学位。1997-2003年期间分别受德国海徳堡大学和特立尔大学邀请、以及德国科学研究会资助赴德国参加相关科研合作工作,期间获国际人类毒理学协会授予的约翰博士奖。1999年享受国务院政府特殊津贴。主要从事典型环境污染物对健康影响的相关研究,对重要的有机污染物多环芳烃、氯化消毒副产物的遗传毒性风险和生殖健康危害风险进行了一系列研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目4项,是国家“十一五”科技支撑计划《饮水安全评价、预警技术研究》的课题负责人之一、分别是国家973项目《环境化学污染物致机体损伤及其防御的基础研究》和国家自然科学基金重大项目《低纬度地区典型POPs与机体相互作用的机制研究》项目组主要成员。已在Environmental Health Perspectives、Toxicology Letters、Environmental Research、Science of the Total Environment、Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis、Mutation Research、Toxicology、中华预防医学杂志、卫生研究等学术刊物上发表论文60余篇。获2007年中华预防医学会科学技术二等奖和教育部2007年高等学校科技进步奖二等奖(第2名)、2009年中华预防医学会科学技术三等奖(第3名)和2011年教育部高等学校自然科学奖二等奖(第2名)。兼任中华预防医学会环境卫生专业委员会副主任委员、中华预防医学会武汉分会环境卫生专业委员会主任委员、中国环境科学学会环境医学与健康分会常务委员、中华预防医学杂志、环境与职业医学杂志编委、国际杂志《The Open Environmental Journal》编委。是人民卫生出版社大型参考书《现代环境卫生学》副主编、“十一五” 国家级规划教材《环境卫生学》(供7年制和研究生用)编委兼学术秘书、普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材《环境卫生学》第5版、第6版、第7版编委。
1. Zhou WS, Xu L, Xie SH, Li YL, Li L, Zeng Q, Du YK, Lu WQ (通讯作者), Decreased birth weight in relation to maternal urinary trichloroacetic acid levels, Sci Total Environ, 2012, 416:105-110.
2. Zhang L, Xu L, Zeng Q, Zhang SH, Xie H, Liu AL, Lu WQ (通讯作者), Comparison of DNA damage in HepG2 cell exposed to fifteen drinking water disinfection byproducts using comet assay. Mutat Res. 2012, 741(1-2):89-94.
3. Xie SH, Li YF, Tan YF, Zheng D, Liu AL, Xie H, Lu WQ (通讯作者), Urinary trichloroacetic acid levels and semen quality: A hospital-based cross-sectional study in Wuhan, China, Environ Res, 2011, 111:295-300.
4. Xie SH, Liu AL, Chen YY, Zhang L, Zhang HJ, Jin BX, Lu WH, Li XY, Lu WQ (通讯作者), DNA damage and oxidative stress caused by surface water extracts during dinking water treatment in a waterworks in China. Environ Mol Mutagen. 2010, 51:229-235.
5. Zhang SH, Miao DY, Liu AL, Zhang L, Wei W, Xie H, Lu WQ (通讯作者). Assessment of the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of haloacetic acids using microplate-based. cytotoxicity test and CHO/HGPRT gene mutation assay. Mutat Res. 2010, 703:174-179.
6. Wei W, Li XF, Chen XM, Lu WQ (通讯作者), Oxidative stress and cell cycle change induced by co-exposed PCB126 and benzo(a)pyrene in a human hepatoma cell line HepG2, 2010, Environ Toxicol DOI 10.1002/tox.20649.
7. Wei W, Zhang C, Liu AL, Xie SH, Chen XM, Lu WQ (通讯作者), PCB126 enhanced the genotoxicity of BaP in HepG2 cells by modulating metabolic enzyme and DNA repair activities. Toxic Lett 2009, 189(2):91-95.
8. Wei W, Zhang C, Liu AL, Xie SH, Chen XM, Lu WQ (通讯作者), Effect of PCB153 on BaP-induced genotoxicity in HepG2 cells via modulation of metabolic enzymes. Mutat Res. 2009, 675 (1-2):71-76.
9. Yuan J, Lu WQ (通讯作者), Zou YL, Wei W, Zhang C, Xie H, Chen XM, Influence of aroclor 1254 on benzo(a)pyrene-induced DNA breakage, oxidative DNA damage, and cytochrome P4501A activity in human hepatoma cell line. Environ Toxicol, 2009, 24(4):327-333.
10. Wen S, Yang FX, Gong Y, Zhang XL, Hui Y, Li JG, Liu AL, Wu YN, Lu WQ, Xu Y. Elevated levels of urinary 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine in male electrical and electronic equipment dismantling workers exposed to high concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and polychlorinated biphenyls. Environ Sci Technol. 2008, 42(11): 4202-4207.
11. Liu AL, Lu WQ (通讯作者), Wang ZZ, Chen WH, Lu WH, Yuan J, Nan PH, Sun JY, Zou JL, Zhou LH, Zhang C and Wu TC,. Elevated levels of urinary 8-hydroxy-22- deoxyguanosine, lymphocytes micronucleus and serum glutathione S-transferase in workers exposed to coke oven emissions. Envrion Health Persp 2006, 1141(51):673-677.
12. Yuan J, Liu H, Zhou LH, Zou YL and Lu WQ (通讯作者). Oxidative stress and DNA damage induced by a drinking-water chlorination disinfection byproduct 3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5- hydroxy-2[5H]-furanone (MX) in mice. Mutat Res. 2006, 609(2):129-136.
13. Yuan J, Wu XJ, Lu WQ (通讯作者), Cheng XL, Chen D, Li XY, Liu AL, Wu JJ, Xie H, Stahl T, Mersch-Sundermann V. Chlorinated river and lake water extract caused oxidative damage, DNA migration and cytotoxicity in human cells, Int J Hyg Environ Health, 2005, 208(6): 481-488.
14. Lu WQ (通讯作者), Chen D, Wu XJ, Liu AL, Liu H, Wu JJ, Mersch-Sundermann V. DNA damage caused by extracts of chlorinated drinking water in human hepatoma cells (HepG2), Toxicology, 2004, 198(1-3):351-357.
15. Lu WQ, Chen XN, Yue F, Jenter C, Gminski R, Li XY, Mersch-Sundermann V, Studies on the in vivo and in vitro mutagenicity and the lipid peroxidation of chlorinated surface (drinking) water in rats and metabolically competent human cells, Mutat Res, 2002, 513:151-157.