


1. 新型手性催化剂的设计与合成;
2. 新类型不对称催化反应的开发;
3. 药物及其中间体高效合成方法的开发;
4. 新型药物的开发。


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:Mn参与的催化不对称Reformatsky反应研究,负责人,2008-2010年.
2. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2007-2010年。
3. 科技部对欧盟科技合作专项经费:有机催化方法合成易得、经济和高产的达菲及其衍生物,负责人,2008-2011年。
4. 第7届欧盟框架项目:Organocatalytic approaches towards easily synthesized, economical and high yielding Tamiflu derivatives,分课题负责人,2008-2011年。
5. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,2008-2011年。




1. Weng, J.; Li, J.-M.; Li, F.-Q.; Xie, Z.-S.; Lu, G.* Asymmetric domino nitro-Michael/Horner- Wadsworth-Emmons reaction for disubstituted cyclohexenecarboxylate annulation: efficient synthesis of DPP-4 inhibitor ABT-341 and influenza neuraminidase inhibitors. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2012, 354, 1961-1970.
2. Weng, J.; Li, Y.-B.; Wang, R.-B.; Lu, G.* Organocatalytic Michael reaction of nitroenamine derivatives with aldehydes: short and efficient asymmetric synthesis of (-)-oseltamivir. ChemCatChem. 2012, 4, 1007-1012.
3. Liang, D.-C.; Luo, R.-S.; Yin, L.-H.; Chan, A. S. C.; Lu, G.* A new synthetic route for axially chiral secondary amines with binaphthyl backbone and their applications in asymmetric Michael reaction of aldehydes to nitroalkenes. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2012, 10, 3071-3079.
4. Weng, J.; Ai, H.-B.; Luo, R.-S.; Lu, G.* Asymmetric Michael reaction of aldehydes with nitroalkenes catalyzed by pyrrolidine-camphor derived organocatalysts bearing hydrogen-bond donors. Chirality, 2012, 24, 271-275.
5. Guo, Z.-L.; Deng, Y.-Q.; Zhong, S.; Lu, G.* Enantioselective synthesis of (R)-salmeterol employing an asymmetric Henry reaction as the key step. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2011, 22, 1395-1399.
6. Guo, Z.-L.; Zhong, S.;* Li, Y.-B.; Lu, G.* Chiral 1,1’-binaphthylazepine derived amino alcohol catalyzed asymmetric Henry reaction. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2011, 22, 238-245.
7. Weng, J.; Li, Y.-B.; Wang, R.-B.; Li, F.-Q.; Liu, C.; Chan, A. S. C.; Lu, G.* A practical and azide-free synthetic approach to oseltamivir from diethyl D-tartrate. J. Org. Chem. 2010, 75, 3125-3128.
8. Lin, N.; Chen, M.-M.; Luo, R.-S.; Deng, Y.-Q.; Lu, G.* Indolinylmethanol catalyzed enantioselective Reformatsky reaction with ketones. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2010, 23, 2816-2824.
9. Zhang, Z.-W.; Lu, G.;* Chen, M.-M.; Lin, N.; Li, Y.-B.; Hayashi, T.; Chan, A. S. C.* Organocatalytic asymmetric Mannich-type reaction of N-sulfonylimines with isocyanoacetate leading to optically active 2-imidazoline-4-carboxylates. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2010, 21, 1735-1721.
10. Liu, C.; Guo, Z.-L.; Weng, J.; Lu, G.;* Chan, A. S. C. Chiral 1,1’-binaphthylazepine-derived amino alcohol catalyzed asymmetric aryl transfer reactions with boroxine as aryl source. Chirality, 2010, 22, 159-164.